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Spiritual Direction & Soul Care

Spiritual Companioning: The care and growth of souls.

1 hOnline

Service Description

What is a Soul Friend or spiritual companion (traditionally called spiritual director)? We are those who accompany others along the spiritual journey of life. We offer sacred presence including amid uncertainty. We help others explore and deepen their unfolding sense of meaning, purpose, healing wholeness, spiritual practices, sacred identity and awareness. This includes one’s relationship with others, self, the rest of creation, and the larger reality of which we are part which many call God. In the words of Eugene Peterson, spiritual guides and companions help others recognize and respond to God’s presence in their lives. As Anam Cara (the age old Celtic term for Soul Friend) or spiritual guide and companion, I offer compassionate presence, holy listening, spiritual practices, and support. For some this includes finding themselves in need of sifting through long-held beliefs and conditioned ways of thinking about God, others and self which they may have out grown. As John Mabry notes, we are also those whom people turn to because they’ve had a mystical experience—be it in waking life or dream, and need a safe someone who will take them seriously (See John Mabry's _Starting Spiritual Direction: a guide to getting ready, feeling safe, and getting the most out of your sessions_). Sessions are are online. $64. For more about Spiritual Companioning and Soul care with me go to: Or contact me at Peace, Catherine

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation and refunds for events held through retreat centers are subject to their refund policies.

Contact Details


P.O. Box 43 Mount Vernon, Iowa 52314

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